Monday, September 5, 2011

for Evan

With the hurricane, going home and school starting, I didn't have time to blog. I still don't really, but I have to take some time to say a few words about Evan Giradi, whose 1st anniversary is tomorrow.

Evan and I studied abroad in Rome together in Spring 2010. I found him a bit shy, but noticed how when he did speak, it was so earnest. He spoke of his family, friends and sisters at home with a lot of love, and this made me want to be his friend. Aside from joking around in classes and going out in big groups, I didn't get to know Evan until there was a month left in the trip, when 10 or so of us went to Alghero in Sardegna. That weekend was spent at the beach, making dinners together, and hanging out in our sweats. I don't think anyone that was there will ever forget that trip. We almost got stuck there due to the volcanic ash, and I won't lie- we were a little disappointed our flight was still running when we got to the airport.

A few weeks later, we all went back to the U.S. I saw everyone for our friend Camille's birthday over the summer, and that was it. On Labor Day weekend, just as classes were starting at Loyola, where half the program was from, Evan passed away unexpectedly. My friend Abby and I dropped everything the night we found out and drove up to Baltimore, to our abroad family. The majority of us stayed up until 6am consoling each other. I like to think had it been any of us, we would have acted the same. We had all experienced the fullness of life together, with so many unrivaled memories, in such a short amount of time. To lose someone so quickly after really gave us perspective on how short life is.

Most of the kids from the program have since graduated and moved away. I really only keep in good contact with one or two people. But I know all of us took a piece of Evan wherever we went. His friends from home made bracelets that say, "there's more to the story." I know there is. All of us who were able to spend time with Evan know that life gives you these opportunities with reason: to treasure them. I know each time I hesitate to try something new, or talk to a new person, I think of how Evan made sure to live a full life in his 20 years. And so each time I push myself, it's for Evan. Thanks fucker. I'm doing a tongue wag for ya.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

the first

With a new camera in hand and idle summer days passing by, I'm starting this blog to document my life as I approach my final year of college and potentially my last year of living in Washington, D.C. I used to have a LiveJournal from the ages of 13 to 18, but I've let so much pass by since I left Wantagh for a new city. I think about the time I spent in Rome in Spring 2010 and wish I had kept better track of my days there. I miss being able to relive all those time-sensitive thoughts, feelings and observations. So, as perhaps a way for my friends and family to know what I'm up to, but more for my own personal reflection, I'm making a promise to myself to start and keep this blog.

Where to start? How about right now? I'd say the present is what is inspiring me to start this blog. I've been sitting on my bed with my best friend Chelsea for about 3 hours. We're reveling in the wake of a great night- there was sangria, jazz, loving and friends. And although the city is at our fingertips, Chelsea is a University of Maryland alumna, so we're perfectly content chilling hard. In any case, our activities have been aimed towards self-improvement. So far, we have perfected a bomb résumé for me, she's applied to jobs, I organized all of my bookmarks on my browser, I had a good cry, and we've had a supportive discussion about where we want to see our lives going. For me, this includes blogging.

I'm blessed to have a friend like Chelsea. We became friends when I was in 7th grade because we were both on the Cross Country team, and used to talk about anything and everything on AIM (her screen name was fishin4corn, mine was applejax6290). In her I have a friend who is loyal and the best listener. She analyzes everything to no end, which is both harmful and beneficial. But what I appreciate most about her is that she always perceives me as the best person I can be. Meaning, she is able to remind me of my core values and what makes me who I am. One of those things is a writer. After a day like today, writing seems like something I have to return to. And so I dedicate this post to Chelsea.

Tonight, we're going to my favorite restaurant in D.C., Zorba's in Dupont Circle. I've been going at least once a fortnight, but I can't help when the food is excellent and the owner comps my roommates and I carafes of wine. After that, we'll head to the H St. Corridor for our friend Mike's surprise going away party.

Welp, here's to this blog.

One more thing- a mix called "Namaste, Motherfuqqer."