Thursday, August 9, 2012

Final Days

Yesterday, after I finished babysitting and went to the doctor, I walked from Farragut North to Columbia Heights. I walked down 14th street- stopping in all the vintage shops, passing the restaurants I've had amazing meals in, and the bars I've spent my nights sitting outside with friends. When I finished my walk, I was at the water fountain on 14th and Park, watching kids play with the water as it shot up through the ground. It's hard to think that may be the last time I sit there for quite some time, but while I was sad, I knew that these streets were too familiar. It's time to move on. 

To celebrate one of my last nights here, Lexi and I met up for the Summer Supper Club at Sticky Fingers. Since I became vegan, I've been coming here for their delicious cupcakes and mac & cheese. This August, however, they are doing these weekly supper nights. It was Italian night, and  far more than I expected. The menu included bruschetta made from local heirloom tomatoes, artichokes, handmade pasta and tiramisu. Along with that, we enjoyed chilled tea and a basil-lemon martini that I hope to recreate. 

It was my first time meeting the owner and Cupcake Wars star Dori, so I asked one of the waitresses if I could get a quick picture with her. She not only took a picture with me, but took me into the kitchen to "show where the magic happens." 

Dori & her crew, Lexi and I.

After dinner, we walked over to Wonderland Ballroom to sit outside and take in the neighborhood. I took my last ride home on the H8 bus happy.

I'm leaving sometime this weekend, and the next few days will most likely involve goodbyes and packing. I can't believe that my four years here are coming to an end. I came to DC in August of 2008 to start my freshman year of college and have basically been here non-stop besides two summer breaks and my study abroad in Rome. It's become my home in many ways, and I can see myself coming back here in the future. But we'll see.

So, goodbye DC. Goodbye to Brookland- sometimes you scared me but I mostly loved you: my apartment, my neighbor Peaches, CUA's beautiful campus, the old houses, the Yes market, Ethiopian coffee at Cafe Sureia, mega margaritas at San Antonio's, the Mullen library (and all my co-workers <3), my walk to work each morning, and my roommates- first Bridget and Lexi, then Irene and Katie. I hope I enjoy my living situation in Brooklyn just as much. And DC in general: its diversity, its shitty metro (no I won't miss that), Busboys & Poets, Zorba's, Mark's Kitchen, Jazz in the Garden, the Mall, DuPont Circle, all these places give Brooklyn a lot to live up to. 

From Brookland to Brooklyn, here I go. See ya there :)

1 comment:

  1. While it made me sad to read this, I know you're in for something great in Brooklyn. I hope you'll keep blogging so I can stalk, I mean keep up with you!! xoxo
